February 25: Karnataka-based startup, Homoeomeds.com, has launched nation-wide innovative campaign #WhatDidILeaf? on menstrual hygiene. To raise basic awareness of what most women usually leave behind in their day to day lives.
The ever-escalating conditions of the coronavirus pandemic have made people aware of making healthier lifestyle choices. Many women have gone a step ahead and dived deeper into improving their menstrual hygiene. But the persisting stigmas, lack of menstrual hygiene education, limited access to menstrual hygiene products, poor infrastructure, and overall social status of girls and women in India, has thrown light on a new menstrual-hygiene health-related challenge.
You may have come across many influencers and celebrities posting pictures with a green leaf half painted yellow on their social media handles. This post is part of #WhatDidILeaf? Campaign, now gaining great attention on Twitter, Facebook, and especially Instagram. With most women coming forward to spread the word for menstrual hygiene and benefits of homeopathy.
As the Menstrual Hygiene Day celebrated on 28 May nears, Homoeomeds.com, one of India’s trusted online homeopathy stores, is leading the #WhatDidILeaf? campaign, wherein “What Did I Leaf” stands for What Did I Leave. The initiative attempts to use social media for promoting a social change that aims to eradicate periods related to stigma and misinformation. Spreading awareness about menstrual hygiene and how the healing powers of homeopathy can make a huge difference.
According to a recent research, we discovered that out of every 10 women, 4 women face skin problems or body rashes due to improper hygiene maintenance. That’s just one of the factors women are leaving or forget to pay heed to in their day to day lives. Thus, the “What Did I Leaf?” campaign aims to raise awareness of what women leave out in their day to day lives.
The rampant misinformation associated with periods and menstrual hygiene should never stop girls or women from accessing lifesaving menstrual hygiene products. While going through their menstruation cycle, having access to some critical menstrual toolkit elements such as a homeopathic intimate wash like SBI Clean-Feel or a uterine health tonic like the Mensol Syrup can also help regulate menstrual troubles.
If you have ever been left wondering when your sister told you about the severity of the cramps she feels, the YouTuber you follow giving you information about menstruation cups, a girlfriend talk about her experience of dealing with her first periods, a grandmother talking about how to manage mood swings, a best friend talk about the precautions she took during her periods, or a mother telling her child all she knew about menstruation. But what you heard was never enough is where #WhatDidILeaf? Campaign truly begins its work.
The #WhatDidILeaf? campaign has been joined by many celebrities and influencers all over India. Many celebrities have gone ahead to paint the green leaf half yellow using turmeric and shared it on their social media handles. Motivating their followers to post the same way in helping spread awareness about homeopathy and its subsequent menstrual hygiene benefits.
Currently, the #WhatDidILeaf? The campaign has only gained momentum. The campaign plans on reaching millions of Indians, especially women living in the backward and downtrodden areas, through social media in the coming months. By raising their voice for hygiene, safe sanitation practices, and the role of homeopathy for regulating menstrual troubles and improvement of general health.
Homoeomeds.com with women, adolescent girls, advocates, and partners, reimagines a world, a world where no girl or woman compromises on their health because of periods related misinformation, and where period-related stigma is history.
Homoeomeds.com is a leading Indian online pharmacy website having genuine and authentic brand medicines based on the homeopathic category, health and wellness, specialty formulations, cosmetics, sexual wellness, pediatric care, and more.